Many concerns can be resolved directly and in the first instance please get in touch with your usual contact as they are generally able to provide you with an immediate response to your satisfaction. Alternatively, you can post a complaint to our head office or email
CPRA Group Ltd Legal status: A limited company registered in England & Wales
Registered office and postal address: 163 City Road, London, EC1V 1NR
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7770 8000
Public registers: Details about the company registration can be viewed at under company number 11592994
VAT number: 334097307
General terms & conditions: A service agreement accompanied by our standard terms and conditions will be provided to clients at the commencement of any services.
Applicable law: Unless otherwise agreed, English law, with the English Courts having exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any claim, dispute or difference concerning our services and any matters arising from them.